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mediocre - Wiktionary
Ordinary : not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality; I'm pretty good at tennis but only mediocre at racquetball. · Italian [ edit Sentence for Mediocre Synonyms for mediocre |
me·di·o·cre (mē′dē-ō′kər) adj. Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary. See Synonyms at average. [French médiocre, from Latin mediocris: medius, middle
Definition of MEDIOCRE. 1. of average to below average quality <your grades are mediocre and barely acceptable> Synonyms common, fair, indifferent, medium, middling
mediocre synonym
mediocre synonym
Mediocre - Synonyms and More from the Free. Antonyms for mediocre | mediocre - Dictionary Definition :.
Mediocre - Synonyms and More from the Free.
Mediocre is an adjective that means "merely adequate" or "of only ordinary quality." A "C" is a mediocre grade for students who are fair to middling.
mediocre adj. Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary. See synonyms at average . [French mdiocre , from Latin medioc
mediocre: Definition, Synonyms from.
mediocre - Definición -
mediocre . adj. De calidad media: compro productos mediocres porque no puedo permitirme los más caros. De mala calidad: película mediocre y aburrida.
Antonyms for mediocre |
adjective 1. of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it's fun to drive. Synonyms
mediocre - definition of mediocre by the.
Find the synonym of mediocre using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of synonyms.
mediocre - Dictionary Definition :.
Find the opposite of mediocre using this online dictionary of antonyms.
- Mediocre | Define Mediocre at.